Original artwork by Holly L. Smith

Cheryl Evangelos

“The Navigator”

Welcome to the World of the Unimaginable

Our world is made up of a network of pathways and life passages that weave themselves among our relationships, experiences and our understanding of the spiritual world. My pathway has led to a peaceful and welcome life of balance within both the practical, mundane world and that of the mystical spiritual world.

My personal path has taken many twists and turns, from beginning as a wife, mother, sustainable gardener and family farmer, to developing into a business entrepreneur. I currently maintain a tax preparation advisory firm, having retired after 14 years as an investment advisor representative. For over 24 years, I have practiced shamanic and energetic field healings. These differing and diverse occupations have always shown me, and required me, to walk the balance between the two opposing worlds. The strong guidance I am receiving now from the spiritual world is to help others find this same balance, and more harmony within their own lives.

Beyond learning through intuitive experience, I have studied with physical teachers, including Rosalyn Bruyere, Ohki Simine Forest, and Carolyn Myss. I have learned through reading the works of spiritual guides, including John Perkins, Lynn Andrews, Greg Braden, and Simon Buxton. I have mastered the ability to see deeply through the eyes and wisdom of my spiritual teachers, and the wise ones who lived and came before, yet continue to guide at all times and in all ways.

I use some of the ways and wisdom I’ve learned to pursue shamanic journeys, and the exploration of the dream world. I allow healing, insight, and spiritual guidance to inform me, so that I can then pass that information along to others who also seek this understanding. Some of the wisdom comes through the medium of guided meditations, which I often use to aid others as they follow their own paths. The teaching I embrace follows the premise of the ancient way of the oral tradition. It allows one to experience an altered state of consciousness and to receive information through all bodily and extraordinary senses.


A personal consultation consists of an initial 15-minute phone call, which is offered at no cost. Any presenting issues, needs or questions will be identified. Then, if we resonate and you wish to continue with a full consultation, I will use my intuitive abilities to seek guidance, resolution, or healing on your behalf. A follow-up telephone conversation will ensue, during which I will share the information I have gathered.

I wish to note that energy healing has everything to do with vibration, and not physical presence or distance. It applies the modern science of quantum physics along with the ancient knowledge of universal unity.

Thank you for visiting my website. I look forward to being your spiritual guide and navigator on your personal path to balance and unity.

Fee Schedule

Initial/full consultation: $300
Included is an initial phone conversation to help identify the issue to be addressed: 15 minutes
I then journey, dream, create ceremony or conduct healing: 60 minutes
Followed by a phone meeting to share, advise and discuss: 60 minutes
Audio recording will be provided.
General consultation/follow-up: $150 / hour
Question and answer session: $75 / ½ hour
Flower essence consultation: $75

Now Accepting Students

I am currently accepting a limited number of students who will receive individual instruction on living as a spiritual being in a physical world. Rates will be discussed.

Contact Cheryl

If you would like to book a free 15 min.  phone conversation or schedule a session, please get in touch with Cheryl by email: [email protected], or by calling 207-273-2490.